Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si, Ph.D, Ph.D


Prof Faisal currently works at the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro. The most recent of his publication is the content and determinants of CSR-anti corruption disclosure: the case of public-listed companies in Indonesia; the content and determinants of greenhouse gas of Indonesian companies and the relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and earnings management: is it a complement mechanism or a substitute mechanism?'

The relationship between political connections and tax aggresisveness


Leader: FAISAL


Sustainable development goals - content and determinants of gender equality disclosure (penelitian tahun ke 2)

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


The relationship between political connections and tax aggressiveness: a moderation-mediation model of ownership structure and sustainability disclosure

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Sustainability development goals reporting: a study of the websites of legal entity state university (ptn-bh) (penelitian tahun ke 2)

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI TINGGI (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Sustainable development goals - content and determinants of gender equality disclosure

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Sustainability development goals reporting: a study of the websites of legal entity state university (ptn-bh)

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI TINGGI (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Partnership and community development program of indonesian state owned enterprises: the role of visibility (penelitian tahun ke 3)

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI TINGGI (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Partnership and community development program of indonesian state owned enterprises: the role of visibility (penelitian tahun ke 2)

RISET PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BEREPUTASI TINGGI (Focus: Sosial Humaniora - Seni Budaya - Pendidikan)

Leader: FAISAL


Penguatan tata kelola akuntansi lingkungan untuk sustainabilitas perusahaan (studi pada perusahaan publik emerging market di asia pasifik)

PENELITIAN DISERTASI DOKTOR (Focus: Sosial Humaniora, Seni Budaya, Pendidikan Desk Study Dalam Negeri)

Leader: Imam Ghozali