S1 Ekonomi Islam
Bachelor Program of Islamic Economics
Faculty of Economic and Business
Vision: Leading Study Programs and Centers of Excellence in the process of implementing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in the field of Islamic Economics and Business at the national level in 2024
- Realizing Islamic Economics scholars who have integrity and are knowledgeable in Islamic Economics,
- Organizing lectures and education covering the disciplines of Islamic Economics, Islamic Business, and Islamic Accounting comprehensively and ethically,
- Conducting research and community service in the context of developing the concept and implementation of Islamic Economics and Business in the community, and
- Developing the Islamic Economics study program as a national flagship development with various publication activities.
Scholars (9)

Ekonomi Pembangunan;
Ekonomi Kelembagaan;
Ekonomi Islam;

Human Resource Management;
manajemen lintas budaya;
Ekonomi Islam;
manajemen islam;

Ekonomi Pembangunan;
Ekonomi Kelembagaan;
ekonomi pertanian;

Small Medium Enterprises and Micro Islamic Banking;