S1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan
Bachelor Program of Aquatic Resources Management
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
Vision: To be a prime study program in creating human resources and science and technology in preserving aquatic resources, especially coastal areas, through applying management principles: exploration, exploitation, conservation, rehabilitation, and diversification in 2025
- Organizing the best and superior educational process in aquaculture science and technology,
- Carrying out qualified and accountable scientific research and publications in the field of aquatic resources,
- Carrying out community service in aquatic resources,
- Establishing cooperation with all stakeholders to support the independence of departments in organizing Tri Dharma, and
- Creating a conducive academic atmosphere to optimize the potential development of the academic community.
Scholars (11)

Conservation Biology;
Profiles (Bachelor Program of Aquatic Resources Management)
Scholars: 11
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