S1 Statistika

Bachelor Program of Statistics

Faculty of Science and Mathematics

Vision: In 2024, to be an academic program for the implementation and enhancement of Statistics at the international level, which would contribute to the field of Economics and Business, Industrial, Computer and Information System Management, also Social and Governmental.


  1. Conducting a higher level of education with a curriculum orientated on the needs of Economic and Business, Industrial, Computer, and Information Systems, also Social and Governmental,
  2. Being a center of statistics enhancement and implementation in Economic and Business, Industrial, Computer and Information Systems, also Social and Governmental, and
  3. Creating networking with academic institutes, governments, industrial sectors, and businesses at the national level.

Scholars (19)
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Spatial Statistics; Neural Network; Statistical Computation;
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Teori Antrean; Bayesian; Stokhastik; Asuransi;
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Design Experiment; Mathematical Statistis; Statistics Nonparametrics;
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Wavelet untuk statistik;
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Statistika Nonparametrik; Metode Riset Pasar;
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Time Series Analysis; Fuzzy Systems; Statistics; forecasting; ANFIS;