S2 Kimia
Master Program of Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Mathematics
Vision: To become a chemistry education institution based on research that leads to technological independence and entrepreneurship skills by 2025.
- Developing graduates who have mastered chemistry knowledge and the ability to apply it, as well as entrepreneurial skills, COMPLETE (Communicator, professional, Leader, Educator, Thinker, dan Entrepreneur),
- Conducting research for the advancement of chemistry and its applications in its area of interest: (i) Natural Resources and Biomolecules, (ii) Materials and Processes, and (iii) Energy, and
- Applying the findings of education and research to address community needs.
Scholars (5)

polymer chemistry;

PEC water splitting;
thin film solar cell;
plasma technology;

Nanomaterial Science and Engineering;
Catalytic Processes;
Energy Conservation/Renewable Energy;