Profesi Pendidikan Profesi Ners
Professional Education Program of Nurses
Medical Faculty
Vision: The Nurse Professional Study Program will become a holistic nursing research study program that is recognized at the national and international levels in 2025.
- Organizing holistic nursing education with national and international standards,
- Carrying out quality holistic nursing research so it can be published in reputable national and/or international scientific journals and/or HAKI,
- Organizing holistic nursing community service based on research results to improve public health status, and
- Organizing study program governance that is credible, transparent, accountable, responsible, and fair to enhance the tri dharma of higher education.
Scholars (6)

tuberculosis care;
correctional nursing;
Health Promotion;
community health nursing;
family nursing;

school health;
well-being & quality of life;

gerontic nursing;
Community nursing;
dementia care;
family nursing;
Profiles (Professional Education Program of Nurses)
Scholars: 6
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