S1 Kedokteran Gigi
Bachelor Program of Dentistry
Medical Faculty
Vision: Becoming a Study Program that produces dentistry graduates who can compete at the international level and excel in geriatric dental and oral health research and development by 2025.
- Carrying out professional dental education so that graduates are capable at the international level and excel in research and development of geriatric dental and oral health,
- Carrying out research and professional publications to support the development of dental science,
- Carrying out community service in terms of dental health in accordance with the problems and needs of the community,
- Organizing good and accountable governance,
- Improving quality, autonomy, accountability, and accreditation,
- Implementing entrepreneurship so that graduates can compete in national and international markets, and
- To be a center of excellence in dentistry, especially in geriatric dental and oral health.
Scholars (10)

Economic History;
International History;
Marine and Island Cultures;

Forensic Odontology;

oral biology;
oral immunology;
dental material;