D3 Administrasi Pajak K. Batang
Diploma Program of Tax Accounting
PSDKU Institution
Vision: Become one of the educational institutions at the level of Associate Expert who excels in 2020 and make a real contribution to the business world and society through the field of taxation by producing graduates who have work competencies in their fields and pay attention to the needs of their stakeholder
- Carrying out education/teaching at the Associate Expert level in the taxation field,
- Becoming a center of education with training and skills that support students to become skilled, independent, and responsive to the development of the taxation regulatory system, as well as paying attention to the needs of the user community, and
- Carrying out community service in a broad sense, including involving practitioners and related agencies in order to help the government in promoting the taxation system in Indonesia.
Scholars (4)

Manajemen SDM;
Organizational Behavior;
