D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Otomasi
Applied Bachelor Program of Automation Engineering Technology
Vocational School
Vision: To become a superior study program in vocational education, research, and application of Automation Technology In 2024
- Carrying out superior vocational education in the field of Automation Engineering Technology to produce professional graduates who have a broad sense of power and insight in the field of Automation Engineering Technology, have an entrepreneurial spirit and ability and are independent with good character and noble personality,
- Develop and optimize applied research and a group of qualified expertise in accordance with the field of competence in the Automation Engineering Technology D4 Study Program,
- Carry out community service and collaborate with stakeholders to apply and utilize science and technology, especially Automation Engineering Technology to support improving the quality of life, and
- Build collaborative networks with the government, educational institutions, and users of graduates, both nationally and internationally.
Scholars (11)

Teknik Elektro;
Power Electronic;

Biofisika dan Interaksi medan elektromagnetik;

Profiles (Applied Bachelor Program of Automation Engineering Technology)
Scholars: 11
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