D4 Perencanaan Tata Ruang dan Pertanahan
Applied Bachelor Program of Spatial Planning and Land Management
Vocational School
Vision: Become a Center for Vocational Education (Applied) that is Excellent and of International Standard
- Conducting applied education to produce competent and professional graduates according to the demands of the global world,
- Carrying out applied research and community service and collaborating with the stakeholders, and
- Creating a learning environment that is conducive to the development of a professional personality who is committed and applies knowledge and skills development for the improvement of community welfare.
Scholars (8)

Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota;
sistem informasi geografi;

Urban and Regional Planning;
Urban Design;
Spatial Planning;

Remote Sensing;
Geographic Information System;
Profiles (Applied Bachelor Program of Spatial Planning and Land Management)
Scholars: 8
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