D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Kimia Industri
Applied Bachelor Program of Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology
Vocational School
Vision: To become a leading Applied Undergraduate Study Program at the national level and has a good reputation at the international level in vocational education that is innovative and adaptive to the development of applied science and technology in industrial chemical engineering technology.
- Organizing applied education in industrial chemical engineering technology to produce graduates who are competent, professional, have the spirit to continue to grow, have ethics, are moral, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and are environmentally friendly according to the demands of the global world,
- Carrying out applied research on industrial chemical engineering technology to develop and disseminate science and technology through ownership of intellectual property rights,
- Carrying out community service and collaborating with stakeholders to apply and utilize industrial chemical engineering science and technology to improve the quality of life, and
- Creating a conducive learning environment to form professional personalities committed to developing and applying knowledge and skills development to improve the community's welfare in industrial chemical engineering technology.
Scholars (9)

plasma technology;
biomass utilisation;
Food Technology;
Profiles (Applied Bachelor Program of Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology)
Scholars: 9
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