D4 Rekayasa Perancangan Mekanik
Applied Bachelor Program of Mechanical Design Engineering
Vocational School
Vision: Become a Study Program that excels at national and international levels in mechanical design engineering that competent in the field of mechanical engineering in 2020, and still has high nationalism towards the nation and state.
- Developing mechanical engineering science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering through the process of education, research, and community service,
- Developing an academic culture that produces people who excel in the field of technology application, are virtuous, dedicated, disciplined, independent, and nationalist, and have national and regional insights in the era of technological globalization,
- Develop applied technology in mechanical engineering that can be enjoyed directly by the community, nation, and state, and
- Develop applied technology in mechanical engineering following the latest developments in the industrial world.
Scholars (10)

Mechanical design engineering;

Mechanical Engineering;

Mechanical Engineering;
Teknik Material;

Mechanical Engineering;
Profiles (Applied Bachelor Program of Mechanical Design Engineering)
Scholars: 10
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