Prof. Faisal, S.E., M.Si, Ph.D, Ph.D


Prof Faisal currently works at the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro. The most recent of his publication is the content and determinants of CSR-anti corruption disclosure: the case of public-listed companies in Indonesia; the content and determinants of greenhouse gas of Indonesian companies and the relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and earnings management: is it a complement mechanism or a substitute mechanism?'

Pendampingan inventarisasi aset desa di desa mlilir, kecamatan bandungan, kabupaten semarang

PENGABDIAN FEB (Focus: Akuntansi)

Leader: Aditya Septiani Se Akt


Pendampingan valuasi aset desa pada desa duren, kec bandungan kab. semarang

PENGABDIAN FEB (Focus: Akuntansi)

Leader: Mutiara Tresna Parasetya


Pelatihan penetrasi pasar bagi umkm bandeng di tambakrejo

PENGABDIAN FEB (Focus: Manajemen)

Leader: Faisal