S1 Teknik Geodesi
Bachelor Program of Geodetic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Vision: Become a research-based and competent Geodesy Engineering Study Program at the National and International levels in the field of geospatial information in 2024
- Organizing quality and professional education in geodesy and geomatics sciences at the national and international levels,
- Carrying out and continuously improving research activities intensively and periodically for teaching staff and students in geodesy and geospatial studies,
- Carrying out community service activities and participating in solving development problems related to geodesy and geospatial studies,
- Increasing cooperation with stakeholders and other educational institutions to create professionalism and independence in implementing and managing education,
- Implementing good governance to ensure quality, professionalism, capability, accountability, and
- Improving the quality and quality of graduates from the Department of Geodetic Engineering who have equal abilities and competencies at the ASEAN and international levels based on international standard geospatial curriculum development.
Scholars (13)

Remote Sensing;
Photogrammetry and Geographic Information System;

Survey Pemetaan;

Penginderaan Jauh;
Remote Sensing;
Sistem Informasi Geografis;

Penginderaan Jauh;
Sistem Informasi Geografis;
Pengolahan Data Spasial;
Aplikasi Android;
Profiles (Bachelor Program of Geodetic Engineering)
Scholars: 13
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