S1 Teknik Lingkungan
Bachelor Program of Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Vision: To be a department that excels in research in engineering and environmental management at the national level and is recognized on an international level in 2024
- Managing courses in Environmental Management and Engineering to produce competitive graduates and entrepreneurs,
- Conducting scientific research and publications and obtaining patents on intellectual property in Environmental Management and Engineering.
- Conducting community service and cooperation with stakeholders to create environmental problem solutions to implement practical knowledge management and environmental engineering, and
- Conducting a systematic and planned evaluation of institutional implementation to improve institutions' quality, professionalism, capability, accountability, governance, and independence.
Scholars (15)

Life cycle assessment;
environmental-spatial analysis;
electrokinetic remediation;
air pollution control;
Waste Management;

Environmental Engeenering;
Water & Wastewater Engineering;

Environmental Engineering;
membrane technology;

An-aerobic Process;
Aerobic Process;
Profiles (Bachelor Program of Environmental Engineering)
Scholars: 15
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