S2 Teknik Mesin
Master Program of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Vision: Becoming a Leading Mechanical Engineering Masters Program Nationally and Internationally in 2024.
- Organizing postgraduate higher education at the master's level in the field of mechanical engineering that has academic and professional excellence and is a reference for the community,
- Carrying out superior and up-to-date research in mechanical engineering and disseminating research results at the national and international levels,
- Increasing cooperation with various parties in the country and abroad to increase the capacity of institutions, as well as to make a maximum contribution to the mastery of science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering in society, and
- Conducting regular evaluations to improve quality, professionalism, capability, and accountability in the implementation of the mechanical engineering master’s education program.
Scholars (6)

Mechatronics and Robotics;
Vehicle Dynamics;
Aerospace Engineering;
Machine Vision and AI;
IoT and Hybrid Energy Systems;

Mechanical Engineering;
Profiles (Master Program of Mechanical Engineering)
Scholars: 6
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