Prof. Dr Jamari, S.T, M.T


Prof. Dr. J. Jamari, MT is a permanent professor at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang. Completed undergraduate to postgraduate education at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with each completed in 1999 for a Bachelor of Engineering (ST) and in 2001 for a Master of Engineering (MT). Continuing the doctoral level by obtaining the title of Doctor (Dr) in 2006 from Twente University, Netherlands. Until now he is actively teaching in the Mechanical Engineering Department by teaching several courses in construction including the Mechanics of Strength of Materials, Contact Mechanics, and Tribology. Currently doing research on Bio-Tribology.

Bibliometric Analysis of Publications in the Scopus Database: A Study at Diponegoro University during 2014-2018


E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES (ISSN: 25550403) , vol. 125

Creator: Utama Y.


1 cited

Auto-Stirring Grains Bed Dryer as an Innovative Efficiency Solution


E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES (ISSN: 25550403) , vol. 125

Creator: Sjechlad D.


0 cited

Design of Eco-Friendly Pen Made of Coconut Shell Waste


E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES (ISSN: 25550403) , vol. 125

Creator: Yulianto B.


2 cited

Evaluation in Conceptual Design of Human Powered Sand Sieving Machine


E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES (ISSN: 25550403) , vol. 125

Creator: Kurnia G.


1 cited

Stress analysis of the friction contact on filled styrene butadiene rubber by a blade indentation: A numerical investigation


MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS , vol. 13 , pp. 293-298

Creator: Setiyana B.


1 cited

Simulation load parameter on bipolar artificial hip joint using finite element method (FEM)


MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS , vol. 13 , pp. 305-310

Creator: Nasa Al Hakim R.A.


0 cited