Prof. Dr Jamari, S.T, M.T


Prof. Dr. J. Jamari, MT is a permanent professor at Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang. Completed undergraduate to postgraduate education at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) with each completed in 1999 for a Bachelor of Engineering (ST) and in 2001 for a Master of Engineering (MT). Continuing the doctoral level by obtaining the title of Doctor (Dr) in 2006 from Twente University, Netherlands. Until now he is actively teaching in the Mechanical Engineering Department by teaching several courses in construction including the Mechanics of Strength of Materials, Contact Mechanics, and Tribology. Currently doing research on Bio-Tribology.

Stick-slip behaviour of a viscoelastic flat sliding along a rigid indenter


Authors: R Ismail

0 cited

Analisis metode elemen hingga artificial hip joint saat gerakan salat

ROTASI 20 (4), 226-230, 0

Authors: A Candratama, Y Prasetyo, J Jamari, R Ismail, I Haryanto

0 cited

Investigasi geometri dan performa hidrodinamis propeler produksi ukm pada kondisi open water

ROTASI 16 (4), 35-40, 0

Authors: F Firdaus, J Jamari, R Ismail

0 cited

Pengaruh harga beban normal terhadap deformasi plastis pada kontak dua benda

Authors: BS Hardjuno, JD Setiawan, R Ismail, J Jamari

0 cited

Peningkatan kinerja alat pengangkat sepeda motor dengan sistem pneumatik hidrolik

Authors: H Saptono, BS Hardjuno, JD Setiawan, R Ismail, J Jamari, AS Alfauzi, ...

0 cited

Analisa running-in roda gigi transmisi produk usaha kecil menengah

ROTASI 15 (2), 12-17, 0

Authors: T Hidayat, N Supriyana, P Londa, J Jamari, JD Setiawan

0 cited

Rancang bangun alat uji running-in untuk sistem kontak two-disc

ROTASI 15 (2), 24-30, 0

Authors: P Londa, T Hidayat, N Supriyana, J Jamari, S Nugroho

1 cited