Prof. Ir Purwanto, D.E.A, Ph.D


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Respon piper retrofractum vahl. terhadap aplikasi ekstrak bawang merah dan media


Authors: U Siswanto, P Purwanto, Y Widiyastuti


5 cited

Good housekeeping implementation for improving efficiency in cassava starch industry (case study: margoyoso district, pati regency)

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 05011, 2018

Authors: WS Aji, P Purwanto, S Suherman


0 cited

Evaluation of water quality at river bian in merauke papua

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 08006, 2018

Authors: I Djaja, P Purwanto, HR Sunoko


0 cited

Integration of cleaner production and waste water treatment on tofu small industry for biogas production using ansbr reactor

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 03010, 2018

Authors: SS Rahayu, B Budiyono, P Purwanto


7 cited

Roles of k2o on the cao-zno catalyst and its influence on catalyst basicity for biodiesel production

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 02009, 2018

Authors: L Buchori, I Istadi, P Purwanto, LC Marpaung, RL Safitri


5 cited

A case study: the potential of energy efficiency in senior high school of semarang regency, central java, indonesia

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 01010, 2018

Authors: A Yustika, P Purwanto, H Hermawan


0 cited

Water footprint assessment in the agro-industry: a case study of soy sauce production

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 08018, 2018

Authors: AA Firda, P Purwanto


3 cited

The role of spatial analysis in detecting the consequence of the factory sites: case study of assalaya factory-sudan

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 12004, 2018

Authors: ASE Khair, Purwanto, H RyaSunoko, OA Abdullah


0 cited

Managing campus energy: compromising between rapid needs and environmental requirement

E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 31, 01003, 2018

Authors: A Ambariyanto, YJ Utama


6 cited