Prof. Budi Setiyono, S.Sos, Ph.D


He is currently serving as Vice Chancellor III of Diponegoro University. He Graduated with S3 from Curtin University, Australia, S2 from Flinders University, Australia, and S1 from Undip Government Science. He has qualified expertise in social policy studies, as well as business and government relations.

Self balancing robot dengan metode kendali proporsional derivative

Authors: EG Wicaksono, I Setiawan, B Setiyono

0 cited

Identifikasi kerusakan mesin berbasis sinyal getaran dengan metode fuzzy logic

Authors: D Ahmad Ramali, B Setiyono, A Hidayatno

0 cited

Perancangan modulator elektro-optik transversal pockels

TRANSMISI 13 (4), 146-153

Authors: R Setiawan, D Darjat, B Setiyono

0 cited