Related Scholars
Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Triadi Putranto, S.T, M.Eng
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Mapping the water usage behaviour of presto milkfish processing industries in semarang city
E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 73, 03020, 2018
Authors: N Susanto, TT Putranto, H Prastawa
1 cited
Stakeholder interactions model of groundwater management in semarang city/indonesia
GEOMATE JOURNAL 15 (47), 170-177, 2018
Authors: N Susanto, TT Putranto
5 cited
The impact of traditional gold mining in gumelar banyumas, indonesia
SAMUDRA 2, 0.18, 2018
Authors: M Muslihudin¹, AN Bambang, E Hendarto, TT Putranto
10 cited
JURNAL ILMU LINGKUNGAN 16 (2), 162-172, 2018
Authors: A Harjanto, TT Putranto, T Simaremare
2 cited
GEOMATE JOURNAL 15 (51), 173-179, 2018
Authors: TT Putranto, WK Hidajat, K Alexander
3 cited
AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2021 (1), 030016, 2018
Authors: TT Putranto
9 cited
Developing a groundwater conservation zone in jepara groundwater basin
AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2019 (1), 030004, 2018
Authors: TT Putranto, N Martini
0 cited
Study of spatial effect distribution of groundwater quality on rob disaster in semarang city
E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 73, 03027, 2018
Authors: DN Yuliyani, TT Putranto, N Indah
1 cited
Groundwater quality analysis in nusakambangan groundwater basin/indonesia
E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 73, 04024, 2018
Authors: TT Putranto, AH Qadarisman, N Santi, N Najib
1 cited
E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES 73, 03025, 2018
Authors: TT Putranto, DE Aryanto
6 cited