S2 Ilmu Linguistik

Master Program of Linguistics

Faculty of Humanities

Vision: Become an excellent research-based study program in general and applied linguistics in Southeast Asia in 2025


  1. Producing excellent and competitive graduates in general and applied linguistics,
  2. Conducting quality research-based teaching both nationally and internationally in general and applied linguistics,
  3. Developing professional research and scientific publication as the contribution to scientific development in language and culture,
  4. Conducting research-based community services executed by the lecturers and students in general and applied linguistics, and
  5. Increasing professionality, capability, accountability in governance, and autonomy in running the study program.

Scholars (4)
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discourse analysis;
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Phonology; Syntax (LFG; Language Typology); Ecolinguistics;
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Linguistik; pragmatik; analisis wacana; language skills;