S1 Ilmu Kelautan

Bachelor Program of Marine Science

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

Vision: Becoming an excellent faculty in the field of tropical fisheries and marine science in 2025


  1. Conducting quality education in the field of fisheries and marine,
  2. Carrying out research, scientific publications, and producing Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the field of fisheries and marine,
  3. Carrying out community service in the field of fisheries and marine,
  4. Conducting professional and accountable governance, and
  5. Carrying out student activities to support the achievement of COMPLETE graduate qualifications.

Scholars (25)
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Marine Environment and Natural Product;
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Coastal Management;
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Marine Biology; conservation; Seacucumber; Benthic organism; Mangrove;
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EcoBiological Seaweed;
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Manajemen Sumberdaya Pantai;
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Marine Biology; Seagrass; Concervation;