Profesi Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Gigi

Professional Education Program of Dentist

Medical Faculty

Vision: Becoming a Study Program that produces dentistry graduates who can compete at the international level and excel in geriatric dental and oral health research and development by 2025.


  1.  Carrying out professional dental education so that graduates are capable at the international level and excel in research and development of geriatric dental and oral health,
  2. Carrying out research and professional publications to support the development of dental science,
  3. Carrying out community service in terms of dental health following the problems and needs of the community,
  4. Organizing good and accountable governance,
  5. Improving quality, autonomy, accountability, and accreditation,
  6. Implementing entrepreneurship so that graduates can compete in national and international markets, and
  7. To be a center of excellence in dentistry, especially in geriatric dental and oral health.

Scholars (2)
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Master of Dental Science;
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Spesialis Gigi;