S1 Kedokteran

Bachelor Program of Medicine

Medical Faculty

Vision: Become a center for excellent national and international research development in the medical field in 2024.


  1. To develop excellent medical education and medical profession programs with national and/or international standards,
  2. To develop excellent research in the field of medicine to be published in reputable national and international scientific journals and/or generate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),
  3. To carry out community services in the field of Medicine to give service and to implement research results to improve public health, and
  4. To organize credible, transparent, and accountable management to improve the quality of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education).

Scholars (45)
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Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran;
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Pendidikan Olahraga; Jasmani & Kesehatan;